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Swimmer Sign-Up Instructions

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Swimmer Sign-up

  • Click on the green Meet Entry button on the Events Calendar to sign-up your athletes for meet events. 
  • Underneath you will see a list of athletes associated with your account. Click Edit to add or change their attendance and relay declarations, or to add, change or delete events for your athletes (if your coach allows event selection).

  • For each of your athletes, select an option from the drop down list next to their names.
    • (undeclared)
    • Attending
    • Not Attending
  • If your coach allows event selection, a list of events will appear if you selected Attending. 
  • Check which events you would like to enter for each athlete, up to the limit indicated on the top right.

  • Next, select a relay availability option from the drop-down menu for each athlete, and then click the Save button to save your selections. 
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